Museum Association |
Application Deadline: August 22, 2022
1. Contact Information
Name |
TItle |
Museum/Organization |
Mailing Address |
State/Zip |
Phone |
2. Membership (check one)
I am an individual, student, volunteer or retired member of MAA |
I am a paid or volunteer staff member of an institutional MAA member Institution: |
I am including a membership form and check with with application |
I am completing an on-line membership form |
3. Why do you want to attend this conference? (Attach a separate page for your response)
Please tell us in approximately 250-500 words about your financial need and why you want to attend the 2022 MAA Fall Professional Development Series. This can include such things as its value to you and your institution, how you will share what you have experienced with your colleagues (e.g., via social media or written summaries for publication) and/or specific sessions or activities that relate to your work.
Please mail the completed scholarship application to:
MAA Scholarship Committee
PO Box 63902
Phoenix AZ 85082
Or e-mail it to
Application Deadline: August 22, 2022