Museum Association
of Arizona

Building a Vital Museum Community

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MAA Salary Survey

The Museum Association of Arizona is undertaking a salary survey to gather information about positions and salary ranges at museums of all types and sizes throughout the state.

Our goal is to find out about the many different types of museum workers in Arizona to provide data that will be of help to museum professionals and institutions throughout their application, interviewing, and hiring processes, as well as allow MAA to better advocate for the museum profession as a whole. 

Take the MAA Salary Survey: 
(By clicking on this link you confirm that you have read this page and consent to the terms of use of your responses.) 

We have identified 13 different staffing areas with general descriptions of the work that each staff member would do.   Please complete each section with information about the person with that primary responsibility at your museum.   If there is another person who also has primary responsibility for a part of the work we describe, please enter their title and salary in the space provided. 

We know that at many smaller museums, work is done on a regular basis by volunteers.   To include these important workers in our survey, please complete the appropriate staff section and list the salary as “$0” if the work is regularly done by a volunteer (including Board members).   

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.   It includes both multiple-choice and open-ended questions. In some places you are asked to estimate size or amount; please complete these questions to the best of the information available to you.   

Participation in this study is strictly voluntary. You will not receive payment or any other compensation/incentive for filling out the survey.   If necessary, you can stop and continue at a later time.  If you wish to terminate your participation, you may end it at any time by simply closing the survey on your browser.

The responses to this survey will not be used for any purpose other than to provide information about staff positions and salaries in Arizona museums.

Your individual responses will not be available to anyone other than the data analyst creating a report(s). All personally identifying information collected will be kept strictly confidential, except as may be required by law. If any publication results from this research, you will not be personally identified by name or any other means. 

De-identified data, in the form of aggregate reports, will be shared with the Arizona museum community, and may be reported in presentations, publications, or other media venues. Personal identifying information will be excluded in public reports unless permission is explicitly provided by you to include your identity. 

Take the MAA Salary Survey: 
(By clicking on this link you confirm that you have read this page and consent to the terms of use of your responses.)  

The survey will close on October 15, 2024.  

Thank you for making time to complete the survey. 

Please free to contact Janice Klein, MAA Executive Director, at should you have any questions.

Museum Association of Arizona

P.O. Box 63902,
Phoenix, Arizona 85082

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