Museum Association
of Arizona

Building a Vital Museum Community

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2014 Western Museums Association Annual Meeting

The Museum Association of Arizona is partnering with the Western Museums Association for its Annual Meeting in Tucson from September 25 to 28, 2024.  We are delighted to have this opportunity to get back together - in person - with all of our Arizona museum colleagues and friends.   

WMA Program
The Annual Meeting features six diverse tracks of sessions, special evening events, and multiple opportunities for informal networking.   Arizona museums are well represented on the program with over thirty wide-ranging sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions.
For the full program:

MAA Special Event 
The Museum Association of Arizona is sponsoring a Breakfast Hike that provides an inexpensive way to get together with your colleagues from around the state while sharing a short expedition up the Ventana Canyon Trail and a light breakfast.

WMA Annual Meeting Registration  
Now is the time to register to make sure you are able to attend all the workshops, sessions, and special events.   MAA members get a special discounted registration rate, so make sure your membership is up-to-date and save.
To register:

Volunteer for Free Attendance at Sessions
In exchange for hours worked, Annual Meeting volunteers can attend an equal amount of hours of sessions, roundtables and networking events.  Volunteers must work for time periods equal to a minimum of 4 hours; this can be broken up into two-2 hour shifts or one-4 hour shift. Volunteers will be welcome to join attendees during the free Exhibit Hall lunches and receptions for a chance to network over food and beverages.  
For more information:

Museum Trustee Day
The Museum Trustee Association has developed three sessions especially focused on museum Board of Trustees interests, all scheduled for Friday, September 27.   In addition, there will be a Meet-Up for all Board members (whether they are MTA members or not) during the morning coffee break.   Registration for the one day is $230.
Museum Trustee Day Activities

Silent Auction
The Annual Silent Auction provides funds for all of MAA’s activities, including our webinars, E-newsletter, and professional development scholarships.  
We are soliciting donations and hope that you will contribute. We’re particularly interested in securing Arizona themed items including
- Membership or Free Admission to your Museum
- Gift Baskets  
- Special Event Tickets
- Art, Jewelry or Craft Objects
- ‘Experience Packages’
- Books or other items museum practitioners might find useful or delightful.
Please return the downloadable donation form to Janice Klein, MAA Executive Director ( or PO Box 63902, Phoenix AZ 85082) by Monday, September 16.

MAA Show Your Badge Program  
Because not all of our great Tucson museums were able to be included in the formal program of tours, workshops and evening events, the Museum Association of Arizona has created a Show Your WMA Conference Badge program to make sure our out-of-state guests have the opportunity to explore as many of Tucson-area museums as possible.
Participating museums can offer free or discounted admission to your museum to any Annual Meeting attendee that shows their WMA registration badge and include other special offers (shop discount, two-for-one admission, etc.)
Just fill out the downloadable form, telling us what your “offer” is, and we’ll compile a list of participating museums, complete with a map, and distribute it to all the Annual Meeting attendees.
Note: If you do not regularly charge admission, but want to be included in the program, please fill out the form and return it, so we can put you on the map!
To be included, please respond by Monday, September 9.

MAA Information Table
The Museum Association of Arizona will have an information table just outside the Exhibit Hall where we will be offering information about MAA member museums and other cultural organizations around the state.    
MAA Institutional member will be receiving a separate email about having us distribute your flyers or other publicity material.  If you do not receive the email, you can join or update your Institutional membership at Membership.

Any questions, please contact Janice Klein, MAA Exective Director:


Museum Association of Arizona

P.O. Box 63902,
Phoenix, Arizona 85082

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